Saturday, January 23, 2016

New Hairdo

When we told the kids about Ruby's leukemia, one of the things we discussed was her likely hairloss. This made Maddux cry; I think the thought of it 'changing' Ruby made her sad. 

In true Ruby form, she has maintained her Ruby-ness throughout her chemotherapy. Her hair thinned significantly during round 2, the strongest round, but it started filling back in quickly after and has always remained 'enough' to justify not cutting or shaving it.
This week Ruby started shedding again. First it was just some hair in her bed, then I noticed it all over my clothes and hers, all day everyday. We told the kids last night that we would likely have to cut her hair this weekend, but I was still kinda waiting. This morning I ran a brush through it one time and picked up enough hair in the bristles to snap me out of any denial: Ruby is losing her hair.
After we enjoyed the snow for a few hours first thing this morning, we all piled into our bathroom and cut our girl's hair. She was very cool with it, occasionally reaching up to feel where her hair used to be. The big kids thought it was pretty neat, and weren't upset. My hair-cutting skills leave much to be desired, compounded by the big chunk that fell out of her head this morning and the overall unevenness of hair to work with, but I think we all agree that Ruby's new haircut makes her even cuter.

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