Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Spelling Bee

Continuing with the trend of our kids surprising us by excelling at something we didn't even know was 'a thing', Maddux qualified for the finals in the Second Grade Spelling Bee last week! Apparently they had a class spelling bee and the winners advanced to the finals, held today.

In true Maddux fashion, when I asked her about it after school (because I got an email from her teacher informing us that she won - shocking since I didn't even know about the class bee), she lit up and said, "I know...crazy, right?"

And in true Maddux fashion, when I asked her if she wanted to review some tougher words yesterday after school, she told me there was a list for her to practice with. I told her that was perfect, and to go get the list. (Likely sighing), I reminded her that the Spelling Bee was the next day at which point she smacked her forehead with her palm.
So Lehr, Ruby and I got to the school just before the Spelling Bee was to start. Eli asked his teacher if he could attend (only the second grade was invited to watch with the parents), so he joined us too. The students filed in and the finalists sat in 20 chairs facing us (10 classes, two kids each). Maddux looked so nervous....lots of fidgeting.

The lead teacher explained a few rules first and then started right away. The main rule was to not clap each time a student spelled a word correctly, but rather if/when they missed one we would applaud them for their cumulative effort. That definitely helped cut down on the time!

A few rounds went by with all students spelling correctly. Then a few dropped off slowly. Suddenly there were only about half of the kids left and the word "omit" was given. I think that word took 4 kids out! Maddux's toughest words were knock, chocolate, public and deny (the word that took her out). It was cool to see her up there, mouthing the spelling of the words the other kids received. When it was her turn, she'd stand up and sway back and forth while she spelled the word in her head and out loud. Afterwards, I realized how much attention she was paying to everything; she told me that when the person before her missed "knock", she had to think fast because they spelled it the way she would have, but when she heard they were wrong, she thought "knock...knife", and remembered the 'k'. (Her words, not mine.)

She lasted 45 minutes in the competition, and it only went two more rounds after she left. She got a little teary when she received her applause, but I reminded her that she didn't even prepare for this contest, yet she came in 4th in the entire 2nd grade. Imagine if she put forth some effort! We were all so proud....especially Eli!

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